Our staff is important to us!
“Teachers and Educators cannot fight today’s battle with yesterday’s weapon.”

Hence they must be prepared to accept the changes that occur and deliver the instructions required in a desirable manner to prepare the future leaders of our country who are the agents of change.

Delhi Public School, Lagma understands the key role played by the teachers in shaping the future of the children. Hence, it is important that their development and expertise is enhanced in an ongoing manner. Keeping the teachers abreast with the latest knowledge and teaching methodologies, through conduct of ongoing Professional development programmes, workshops and seminars from time to time, will be a key feature of our school Calendar. Teams from DPS society will also come to train the staff members in accordance with the standards of DPS education system. The school will also receive support from the Human Resource Development Centre in the society for capacity building.

The DPS, Lagma management undertakes the responsibility of professional development on an ongoing basis and also ensures that quality norms of various affiliating bodies viz. CBSE and Accreditation Agencies are being met.